Those who know me, or have been into my kitchen, know that I love Nutella. It is my favourite taste in the entire world, it brings a smile to my face and I truly believe that hazlenuts and chocolate were destined to be best friends forever.
That being said, it seems fitting that in honour of Michele and as a professional connoisseur of Nutella, to present a list of my favourite things to make with Nutella. Not as a tacky link to the passing of Michele but more as a tribute to his Father's legacy.
If you're as obsessed with the hazlenut/chocolate nectar as I am then let's toast to Mr. Ferrero and the joy he has spread over us and our crumpets!
#1 The Classic
Whether it's toast, croissants, muffins or crumpets (where the holes become pools of hot chocolate) the classic way to enjoy Nutella is to spread it over a warm baked slice over a thin layer of butter. (Yes butter, let's not pretend we're worried about our cholesterol).
#2 The Quick and Dirty
Controversial in my house is the quick and dirty approach.You take your jar of Nutella and a spoon and dip it straight in. Either choosing to coat the back and lick it off (ahem) or scoop it out and pray the molar pain takes a while to kick in. Best done in secret - trust me.
#3 The Dirty
As above. Minus the spoon. I'll leave it to you what you dip in there.
#4 The Fancy One
This involves baking. Nutella is a marvellous addition to a cake or a muffin. In fact you can pretty much replace any topping or filling with Nutella and hey presto you have a delicious cake. Top of your creation with a box of Ferrero Rocher arranged delicately in a row and you have an elegant and loyal cake that I'm sure would do the Ferrero empire proud.
#5 The Drink
You will need: A cup full of milk (sorry dairy-free readers, the clue is in the title, everything contains Nutella), a saucepan, 3 dessert spoons of Nutella (quantities are very approximate - use your Nutellabarometer), a dash of cinnamon and a milk frother if you're feeling fancy!
Heat the milk, stir in the Nutella, have some of #2 whilst you wait for it to melt, add the cinnamon if you like and pour into a huge mug.
#6 The Healthy-ish alternative
Cut a banana in half longways (think a banana split) and spread Nutella on both sides. Sandwich together and you have a delicious and arguably healthier alternative!
#6 The Big Dipper
I have to credit my Brother for this alternative to the measley Nutella dips or the "off of the 90's" Choc dips. Let's be honest, they are pitifully small and you can't get away with enjoying the kids snack when you're old enough to buy your own Nutella.
Welcome to the grown up, far classier version! Take one jar of Nutella, a fancy box of breadsticks (the fancier the better) and get dipping! You'll never have to worry about your Nutella to Dipper ratio again!
#7 Sir Mixalot
A mix of Nutella and Peanut Butter is quite incredible. If you're not snobby about mixing nuts then give it a try, you won't be dissapointed.
#8 The scientific test (to be continued)
This is the theory that nearly everything is edible if it's covered in Nutella. For me, this does hold up however I'll continue to do my research as a service to science and to other Nutella fans out there. Yes I've tried it on cheese. Yes, it was delicious.
Bon appetit my hazlenut and cocoa loving friends x
Great post!